GET /v0/search/transactions

Search an EOSIO blockchain for transactions based on free-form criterias, using the dfuse Search Query Language.


We strongly suggest to use the GraphQL API of this endpoint. Main advantages of using the GraphQL API of this endpoint over the REST API:

  • Streaming capabilities, or to be able to stream new results as they pushed on the chain. Quit or got disconnected? Simply resume at exact point you left off by using a cursor.
  • Easier data model to extract matching actions from response (i.e. to get only the actions in the transaction that matched the query used).
  • Possibility to greatly reduce bandwidth transfer & cost (ingress to your server) by specifying the exact trimmed down data payload you need (excellent for browser & mobile usage).
  • A much cleaner interface to query by block range (lowBlockNum and highBlockNum instead of harder to reason about startBlock and blockCount)
  • On-the-fly ABI decode to JSON smart contract database rows that changed due to the execution of the transaction.


Sample request:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJLTVNFUzI1Ni..." \

fetch('', {
  headers: {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer eyJhbGciOiJLTVNFUzI1Ni...'

headers = { 'Authorization' : 'Bearer eyJhbGciOiJLTVNFUzI1Ni...' }
r = requests.get('', headers=headers, verify=False)
j = json.loads(r.text)
print(json.dumps(j, indent=4))

req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
if err != nil {
// handle err
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJLTVNFUzI1Ni...")

resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
// handle err
defer resp.Body.Close()


The dfuse Search supports stable pagination through the use of the cursor parameter. If your request yields results and there are more to come, the response will contain a non-empty cursor field (which looks like opaque base64-encoded data).

To fetch the next batch, pass the cursor in the next request, while keeping all other parameters identical to the first query. You can tweak the limit as you go, and the cursor will allow you to continue where you left off, without missing anything between the two queries: something that is impossible to do with only an offset parameters, in a moving chain.

When doing searches in the moving part of the chain (the head), it is possible that some results previously returned are not forked out (because some of its blocks are ignored by block producers for some reasons). If you pass the cursor properly, the pagination system will verify that it has not given you any such results.

If there are the slightest chance that you had received results that didn’t make it to the chain, the forked_head_warning parameter will be set to true in the response. It is then appropriate to inform your user that it is possible that some results are now stale, and to refresh their page or something similar.

To avoid such situation, use with_reversible=false in your query (the default), to search only irreversible blocks and transactions: in that case, there are no chances that you get results that would suddenly disappear.

Input parameters

String     Search query string. See the dfuse EOSIO Search Terms for more details.
Number (uint32)     Block number to start search (inclusive). See below for the special meaning of value 0.
String     Defaults to ascending search. Use DESC to sort descending.
Number (uint32)     Number of blocks to search from start_block. Depending on sort order, the block_count will count upwards or downwards.
Number (uint64)     Cap the number of returned results to limit. Defaults to its maximum value: 100.
String     If cursor is passed back (from a previous response)
Boolean     If with_reversible is set to true actions included in blocks that are not yet irreversible will be included.

When start_block is unspecified (value: 0), it takes a special meaning depending on the context:

  • When the sort order is ascending, a start_block of 0 means the beginning of the chain.
  • When the sort order is descending, a start_block of 0 means either the HEAD of the chain (if with_reversible is true) or the LIB (Last Irreversible Block) of the chain (if with-reversible is false)

By default, a query that does not specify start_block nor sort, the results will be ascending (block-wise and transaction-wise)


Returns a SearchTransactionsResponse.